The Cusco region is where you can find the city of Cusco and Machu Picchu, the ancient mountain city. To get to the city of Cusco, you can take a flight direct from Lima.
You have to take a taxi from the airport to your hotel, inn, or hostel. I called the inn where I would be staying and was told that it may be cheaper if get a taxi at the airport instead of having them ask a taxi to fetch me. I was told to choose from the ones that are outside rather than the ones arranged by the taxi booths inside the airport. This was a wrong advice. I was told it would be cheaper, but then it was actually expensive. The cab driver who seemed nice at the beginning began to sound angry when I asked how much the fare was.
I was going to Poroy early the next morning to be able to catch the train going to Aguas Calientes. I asked the front desk that they choose a cab for me. (I checked online, and the other taxis charge higher.) The taxi driver that brought me to Poroy suggested that he pick me up when I return from Machu Picchu and I agreed. I think he had to wait for over an hour and only hesitated a bit when I gave the same amount for the return trip.
So when he brought me to the airport, I gave extra.
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